Insanely groovy

This Blog*shiver* is not insanely groovy In fact it barely scims mediocre but your going to read it anyway, Oh yes your going to read it. Know why? I don't. I just think it took you a while to find it so you might as well check it out right?... Right? Left.

Monday, November 27, 2006


I had a great time tonight.
Though I hate the snow.
I frolic'd down hillz on my new luvva
Sledz Snow Sleds.
She's a babe.

Well. devin manned up and apologized. I don't like to be bitter so yuh. I posted mean things right here. And i am retracting them. He was in a bad mood. so was I. I'll give it to the guy for apologizing though. So I'll apologize as well via blog format.
just so people know.sorry dawg.

I stand by my statements.

<>< mantrain

I am doing well.

I am doing quite well.
though i have quite a few ambitions that probably wont come to fruit
I am thouroughly enjoying myself.
My birthday party was a blast.
and i have more fun to come.
I finally have a school plan.
and dumb drama isn't bugging me atall.
I could use a new job.
not because of the people or the actual job.
but how much i am being paid for it.
in my department it'd seem i am one of the few competent people
(yes, lisa if you read this you are amazing at what you do)
but it just seems too hard of work for what I am getting paid.
Idunno but how many of you move and sort, flavour stack, and overall organise
4500+ pounds of dog food in a shift while still having to answer a phone and do
customer service? and i'm only getting 8.60...
i'm probably gonna stick around until the new year and I am truly gonna miss
not working there because they are the best staff ever.

in otha newwwz. heres a poem i wrote for someone i just met named siobhan (shevon)
she needed an upper.


Enter: Sensation
a white wash of fluorescent bulb
reflects off of life, dull fake colour is all you see
dull fake colour is all you feel
your label: Penelope.
that's all you are, un-individual
and it's all you'll be.
leaving work you punch out: 74464344268
late, you decide to take a shortcut through the city's excuse for green space
your number comes
feet fall like the pastel yellow leaves as you make your way through a dying park
the air is crisp cool and almost clever
it penetrates all your layers folds, chilling
this is the worse dream ever
yet you won't wake up
on the uneven path you are walking surrounded by thorny plants
an ancient creased excuse for life is limping on towards you
and by awful chance
she drops her purse off her creaking walker
the cragged woman cannot seem to reach it either
she seems blind and it doesn't appear as if she has noticed you
you could sneak around like this scenario isn't true
but you get the better of you and do what's the "right" thing to do
as you hand the senior her dropped article her eyes hit yours
a wealth of wisdom and joy strike you as you feel fireworks
something at the back of your neck, and she wraps you in embrace
Enter: true feeling

and here is possibly my favourite picture from the birthday party.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

<>< Mantrain

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

the salesman Denver max - the blood brothers

Through the screen door your thoughts are quarentined,
by the way you smell I can tell that you're fifteen.
My name is Denver Max, I eat heart attacks.
From your mouth to your hands to the floor you're bubbling syntax.
What the crickets see is between you and me.
What scarecrows think would turn you eyeballs pink.
Don't you try to call the cops little girl
because before you pics up the phone you'll be dead.
Don't you try to call the cops little girl, cops little girl,
your tounge is withered it's heavier than lead.
Won't you just step into the car little girl,
your parents don't understand whats in your head.
We're really onto something special little girl,
you're blushing red,
your head can't hide those thoughts of dread.
Through the screen door kiss me kiss me like a queen...
It tastes like metal in my mouth like rusty listerine.
My name is Denver Max please excuse the mask,
running down my face, bound by tacks and paste.
What the crickets see is between you and me...
what the scarecrows think would turn your eyeballs pink...
with a face like that you'll never ever make it big,
you'll never find a boyfriend unless you get it adjusted...
My name is Denver Max and wont you come sit on my lap
because the only thing you own is everything you lack.
Don't you try to call the cops little girl
because before you pick up the phone you'll be dead.
Don't you try to call the cops little girl, cops little girl,
your tougne is withered it's heavier than lead.
Won't you just step into the car little girl,
your parents don't understand whats in your head.
We're really onto something special little girl,
you're blushing red,
your head cant hide those thoughts of dread.
By the time we hit Tuscon your parents little girl,
parents little girl will be wondering
where their pretty little blonde has gone.
By the time we hit Mexico you'll know little girl
know little girl that Denver Max will always be the only one.
By the time we hit the ocean we'll jump little girl,
jump little girl down to find the undersea sun.

Ever enjoi listening to songs about child abduction? i sure do.
anywho I have to finish a research paper by friday. and lets just say I AM
yeeeaehhhh. Fooked.
BUT I am having my birthday party.
I am SOOOO excited for that.
And i finally figured out what i wanna do!
English major
with a creative writing minor.

<>< mantrain

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Interesting night

Went to the show.
Saw everyone up to theset.
The thing that amazed me the most
was how different OP had become and how
good johnny good was (sorry about the pun)
But yeah, Believe me. Johnny Good is hot stuff for
the auditory sensory.
After the show I went to a lady named brittney's house
of whom is housing my birthday party next week
(basically anyone who talks to me can come)
(it'll be fucking awesome)
that scenario was interesting indeed anywhom.
It's a good bonding experience vodka and
deer sausage

<>< Mantrain

Thursday, November 16, 2006


Hi ya'll
here's the deal.
I need a freaking band.
willing to jam 1-2 days a week.
Interested in all style of music
but Must be a band willing to experiment with sound
in both the harder and softer scales.
email me if interested.
you probably wont get along with me in the long

<>< Mantrain

Friday, November 10, 2006


Listen, This is a blog. So first off your reading this with a grain of salt.ask in me in person and I can honestly say anything placed within any of my blogs are completely honest to me. Now with the intro done.

I want any of you who currently have harsh or bad feelings about tell me about it...sounds like every teenagers dream i know but heres the thing, I won't go spreading/complaining/telling all my friends about it. I just want to know how you feel about me and how we can maybe clarify any situations or maybe work over any problems. I of course will defend myself but I won't be angry or offensive about it, I promise. I just want to know what's going on that's all and why. Lastly if any of you are strong enough to do this you have my word that i will respect you even more after the talk even if it ends on terms that don't work so kindly for either of us.

Thanks, Rick.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

The mighty boosh

How do I spend my time before classes?
watching the mighty boosh.
Google it.
You tube it.
Fuck is it ever fantastic.
and on an aside for brithishness.
Goldie lookin chains - your missus is a nutter

serious mate your missus is nutz!

Godamn i luvvit.

Errr I am drinking again this weekend.
Pre'ee cited bout dat.

I'm in the market for an acoustic guitar or keyboard. whatever strikes my fancy first.
I need to make music. and my band is cutting the mustard.

this was just a quick post so ho hum, catchya later!

<>< Mantrain

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Sorry about that last post, really.
I just did it in the jest of fooling.
If you don't want me to check your results i won't
If your feeling adventurous I will.
jussst bug me.
Anywho I am going to post a song I am working on.
It's on my deviantart but Who reads that?

You're swimming in a sea of molasses
When your heart stops
and your temperature crashes
You fear a fever may have come
But the feeling passes
Sweat beads and drops down your face
Sweeping away your colour
You're scared, so scared
You want to cower
You want to cringe
You want to run, run, run get away
You know what you need to do,
You don’t want to,

Take your cold body mmm take it!
hide it under the mattress they're all waiting!

C'mon they're waiting
C'mon the're waiting!


Everything is fading
Your dreams wither
And your nightmares are cascading
What are you doing
You don’t understand
Everything is spinning
You’re in a forest your on fire
You’re in a coffin being buried alive
You’re against a wall with a bulls eye on your chest
You’re a dilated pupil
You’re a perforated vein
You’re the hailing wind
and the falling rain
your minds in dissolution
and something’s eating at your brain

YUS, well moving on. I am going to a cajoined birthday party on the 24.
And it's rocky horror themed.
So I am excited as it is partially my B-day party.
OH did i mention it's my b-day on the 21rst.

On another note I am unhappy with the amount of writing I've been doing.
all I want to do is pump out poem after poem. But that can be a bitch.
And i rarely get constructive feed back. I wish i knew how to set up an internet forum and I would set up one for me and all my creative writing classmates.

uhhm, I am cooking perogies and chicken strips right now so I am going go eat
those. CHEERS!

<>< Mantrain

Friday, November 03, 2006

I'm sorry bout this

I gave in.

<>< Mantrain

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


i keep meeting new people.
this is neat.
I am also getting plastered on friday.
this is neat.

I have ideas in my head for a couple new poems.
I want to learn guitar because my band can never get together
nor do they think of things to make a good song out of.


In a side:

If you ever have beef with me.
take it to me. I like working through things.
Don't go behind my back ever. I won't like you anymore.
plain and simple. or at least I wont trust you.
This has nothing to do with current events. This is just me saying.
Say stuff to my face or I won't be your friend.
And I am serious about that.

<>< mantrain