Insanely groovy

This Blog*shiver* is not insanely groovy In fact it barely scims mediocre but your going to read it anyway, Oh yes your going to read it. Know why? I don't. I just think it took you a while to find it so you might as well check it out right?... Right? Left.

Monday, November 27, 2006

I am doing well.

I am doing quite well.
though i have quite a few ambitions that probably wont come to fruit
I am thouroughly enjoying myself.
My birthday party was a blast.
and i have more fun to come.
I finally have a school plan.
and dumb drama isn't bugging me atall.
I could use a new job.
not because of the people or the actual job.
but how much i am being paid for it.
in my department it'd seem i am one of the few competent people
(yes, lisa if you read this you are amazing at what you do)
but it just seems too hard of work for what I am getting paid.
Idunno but how many of you move and sort, flavour stack, and overall organise
4500+ pounds of dog food in a shift while still having to answer a phone and do
customer service? and i'm only getting 8.60...
i'm probably gonna stick around until the new year and I am truly gonna miss
not working there because they are the best staff ever.

in otha newwwz. heres a poem i wrote for someone i just met named siobhan (shevon)
she needed an upper.


Enter: Sensation
a white wash of fluorescent bulb
reflects off of life, dull fake colour is all you see
dull fake colour is all you feel
your label: Penelope.
that's all you are, un-individual
and it's all you'll be.
leaving work you punch out: 74464344268
late, you decide to take a shortcut through the city's excuse for green space
your number comes
feet fall like the pastel yellow leaves as you make your way through a dying park
the air is crisp cool and almost clever
it penetrates all your layers folds, chilling
this is the worse dream ever
yet you won't wake up
on the uneven path you are walking surrounded by thorny plants
an ancient creased excuse for life is limping on towards you
and by awful chance
she drops her purse off her creaking walker
the cragged woman cannot seem to reach it either
she seems blind and it doesn't appear as if she has noticed you
you could sneak around like this scenario isn't true
but you get the better of you and do what's the "right" thing to do
as you hand the senior her dropped article her eyes hit yours
a wealth of wisdom and joy strike you as you feel fireworks
something at the back of your neck, and she wraps you in embrace
Enter: true feeling

and here is possibly my favourite picture from the birthday party.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

<>< Mantrain


  • At 5:29 PM, Blogger Queen of Hearts said…

    rick, it's such low pay because we don't need any qualifications. we are just manual labour


  • At 5:30 PM, Blogger Queen of Hearts said…

    p.s. your one ofmy favorites to work with

  • At 11:32 PM, Blogger Richard said…

    True that.
    But we are also doing customer service and other things.
    I know we could easily be make 2 and more difficultly make 3 dollars or more and hour
    Or at least 9.00-10.00 cripes.
    It's not patrick or any of the managers fault it's the company.
    i just think it's lame and I am sticking around until i can find a good job. So dont expect me to go just yet.

    <>< mantrain


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