Insanely groovy

This Blog*shiver* is not insanely groovy In fact it barely scims mediocre but your going to read it anyway, Oh yes your going to read it. Know why? I don't. I just think it took you a while to find it so you might as well check it out right?... Right? Left.

Friday, November 10, 2006


Listen, This is a blog. So first off your reading this with a grain of salt.ask in me in person and I can honestly say anything placed within any of my blogs are completely honest to me. Now with the intro done.

I want any of you who currently have harsh or bad feelings about tell me about it...sounds like every teenagers dream i know but heres the thing, I won't go spreading/complaining/telling all my friends about it. I just want to know how you feel about me and how we can maybe clarify any situations or maybe work over any problems. I of course will defend myself but I won't be angry or offensive about it, I promise. I just want to know what's going on that's all and why. Lastly if any of you are strong enough to do this you have my word that i will respect you even more after the talk even if it ends on terms that don't work so kindly for either of us.

Thanks, Rick.


  • At 11:48 PM, Blogger Richard said…

    And please don't tell me things like
    "rick honey...hug?"
    I appreciate the lovin,
    but I just want people to grow up,
    I am giving them an open door...


  • At 12:46 PM, Blogger Misha said…

    you're kinda an ass sometimes...and im pretty sure you have blocked me on're blunt arrogant ass 99 percent of the time and that gets really annoying...

    but i do thank you for what you did...while being that arrogant did help :D

  • At 5:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Too lazy to sign in.
    Thanks for actually saying that.
    no i didnt block you, though you may of missed my switch. My new email is

    <>< mantrain

  • At 2:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Despite what may have happened before on msn, whatever man. Move on and forget about it. I am not by any means a creep, just forward maybe. And yea I agree with Michelle that you are an arrogant ass most of the time, but I think thats just your character, and nothing is wrong with that. You just gotta know when to turn it on and off, if that makes sense. Also be careful what you say, and who you say it too. Don't worry man, if people don't like you, they don't like you, if they do, cool!

    Add me back up on msn aight, we'll chat some more.

  • At 7:52 PM, Blogger Misha said…

    no told me what i needed to know so all i could do was return the favor

  • At 1:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    thanks for commenting ya'll.
    And devin, will add.
    and I am a lot more careful now about what I say though I really don't say much that I wouldn't say to people. as michelle said. I am blunt.
    Spence, thanks for the words. I think outta most people we tend to know each other pretty well.

    <>< mantrain

  • At 9:34 PM, Blogger The Voodoo Doll said…

    I still think you're pretty cool.

    Mind if I add you to my MSN?

  • At 11:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    Add me!

    <>< Mantrain

  • At 5:40 PM, Blogger Courteney said… have always been a sweetie to call me m'lady for god's did add me on your new msn cuz i made sure that i wasn't going to be purged...BUT you NEVER come and freaking SEE ME! so get your butt over here!!! know i think you're awesome cuz i tell you all the time!



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