Insanely groovy

This Blog*shiver* is not insanely groovy In fact it barely scims mediocre but your going to read it anyway, Oh yes your going to read it. Know why? I don't. I just think it took you a while to find it so you might as well check it out right?... Right? Left.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

The meaning of life and the existance of a god and love. in Ricks words.

The sentence first read in my post is such a confusing subject for most people it tears them to pieces. they find themselves insecure with no clue of what they believe in. Some people have powerful faith and believe so strongly in something it manifests and becomes real to them (not denying it may be real) others Decline the search for a soul and fully believe that earth and science gave us what we have and we are ourselves for the time we live before we die and degrade giving room and vital nutrients to the next round of life. Some like myself find that the search for answers at this period is pointless as the answers have not shown themselves to us. Why spend time on learning where to place your spirit and become so caught up in who you are soulfully you forget who you are logically? I chose to enjoy life without the worry of afterlife at this point seeing as I am not dead yet. I can find joy in my love for people and life and not a higher being at this point and I am fully satisfied with that.

Spirituality and love. Spirituality and love. oh my.

Love. Jack and jill are 15 and 16 or 17 and 18 or 19 and 20 etc. jack and jill have been together for 8 months 23 days. Jack loves Jill. Jill loves Jack. Jack would die without Jill. Jill would fade away without Jack. Jack sleeps with Molly. shit guess he didn't love jill for ever and ever like he promised.

Promising love at such a young age seems so irrational. Infatuation and hormonal attraction are the strongest fealt emotions at such a young age. Love is built on time and trust. No not 6 month no, not 8 months not even a year. Love is something that is so strong very few and harsh things will break it. love is where you can resolve fights in a calm and respectful manner. Teenagers won't ever know true love with a partner. Learn to take things slow. Learn that love takes time and one day when you look at your partner and he or she is part of your family of two (you and him/her) then you'll know you've probably found love(that's after you stop saying it too each other)

I don't see love in my near future. and neither should any young person reading this.
Your all irrational hormone driven bunny rabbits. Now go off and hump like you want too.

These are my beliefs ie on my blog your welcome to dissagree with me.
and as a side note animals and family love are included in that. they can exist
at any age.

What a dream vacation
I am riding the waves of my imagination
and rolling past my lost intention
I am an impenetrable cloud
with everyday life far below me
I don't know where I am
but where I am is exactly where I want to be

<>< man.train



  • At 7:50 PM, Blogger Queen of Hearts said…

    if you do not belive that someone my age can experience love you are misteaken. i KNOW love. you could take away sex no problem and my love would still exist. i have no doubtin my mind. i know that even when our lives have moved on there will still be a part of me forever that loves him

    i have loved twice. the second is the stongest. words cannot expess it, you know him like a brother.

  • At 11:51 PM, Blogger Richard said…

    I totally respect your view on love. I have differing views however. It's just how I feel as a bit of a realist with leanings towards cynasism. But I am an optimist about life. so i am a bit wierd haha.

    and court thanks ^^ i try to let people know how i feel about things so they are privvy to the inner mechanizations of rick.

    <>< mantrain

  • At 6:58 PM, Blogger Queen of Hearts said…

    you're a good guy rick... i just want you to know that ;)


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