Insanely groovy

This Blog*shiver* is not insanely groovy In fact it barely scims mediocre but your going to read it anyway, Oh yes your going to read it. Know why? I don't. I just think it took you a while to find it so you might as well check it out right?... Right? Left.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

I don't really post, you don't really read.

So, here I am updating my web log without a clue to as what to put in it.
Well, I am sitting at school? It's really boring? I hate the transit system?
(shutup people from nanaimo, you think it's tough? try living in lantzville)
Oh! I know.
So I was pondering up some controversy,
And from an objective view, certain suicide should be fine!
Heres the scenario,
A person no body knows of ( a john doe ) offs themselves.
AND NOBODY LIVING KNOWS HIM, absolutly no one.
So is this wrong?
Has he hurt anybody with his death? no.
It's his own body and life shouldn't he be the one who decides what he can do with it?
Now I know there is probably a million flaws behind this theory.
I just wanted to throw it out there and see what happens.
PS: This situation is hypothetical. I hughly doubt anyone on this planet isn't known by at least one person living, or even a pet.

Now unto music.

I just purchased young machetes by the blood brothers the other day.
It is amazing, They fused so many nifty genres into their music it's insane.
They have 50's crooning, jazz, late 60's rock, spazz/hardcore, and pop somehow mixed into one album. If you knew blood brothers before you'd of recognized them by their cacauphony of noise they created and strange vocals, revolutionaries of the punk and hardcore scene. well their newer stuff is defiantly much more commercially sound, but they still are doing what they want and the lyrics are still amazing.
So defiantly listen to these guys if you are awesome. If you aren't awesome you'll tell me blood brothers are bad. This is true. It has been posted.

In other news cows have solid hoofs bewarned.

<>< mantrain


  • At 7:28 PM, Blogger Courteney said…

    hey cool...i was just thinking you should post something're as bad as i am at updating. i might be possilbe for someone to be completely unknown...sounds like s story...a really depressing one...but still...

  • At 11:54 PM, Blogger Misha said…

    lantzville....try living in nanoose!!!! and crossing high way...with big trucks that have eyes and want to kill you


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