Insanely groovy

This Blog*shiver* is not insanely groovy In fact it barely scims mediocre but your going to read it anyway, Oh yes your going to read it. Know why? I don't. I just think it took you a while to find it so you might as well check it out right?... Right? Left.

Thursday, June 01, 2006


As a slight disclaimer a lot of my poetry's meaning is near the end so read through or you'll really think I'm a depressed individual.anywho heres a fresh bach straight from the cooker


I used them to go through the motions of fake feeling
Of physical insecurity, no success
Relearning my own two feet and reclaiming me
Is more then difficult, I confess
Throwing away these braces that hold me up from under my arms
And using these legs that I possess
I’ve been abusing them so long and I couldn’t understand why
All because I was inhuman, no less
Twisted and governed their every move like pawns
I commanded them as if they were on a board of chess
But who did it really leave dependant?
It was I and only I, in the mess.
That was my realization as it came to be and now I am resuming my normal pace
Without the dependence of those crutches and it’s the best.

-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------

A shadow
a wisp
your cool an crisp
You flash
in, you crash out
of memory retained
this being as I am seeing
your spirit barely contained
I cannot be refrained
from saying
your most defiantly
something else.

-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------

It’s late,
Nostalgia clouds my thoughts
I’m late
I really should begin to move ahead
So late
This procrastination of time must stop
Too late
I do believe I am stuck in the past.

-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------

Arranged to the final connection
derranged to the least of perfection
Why is it always natural selection?
why are all the answers in the sky?
Standing on solid ground
can't even know it
sit staring without a sound
silence and acceptence
a gentle acceptence
In a world without.

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Crash and burn
Burn to learn
It's the only way kid,
it's the only way.

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3 life.

Another Day,
Another horizon
The sun sets,
and it will always rise again.

-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------

The Hunt.

Lick your teeth,
The anticipation of the kill
Coiled spring
Tightened sinew
Body anticipating
Heart accelerating
your control,
Let go,
Realize your falling
with grace
Hard unto the prey
eyes widening
irises dilating
Render it within
feel it's warmth
Creeping into you
feel it's death
fresh inside you.


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