Insanely groovy

This Blog*shiver* is not insanely groovy In fact it barely scims mediocre but your going to read it anyway, Oh yes your going to read it. Know why? I don't. I just think it took you a while to find it so you might as well check it out right?... Right? Left.

Monday, May 22, 2006

I am in a reflective mood

Well I decided stress was getting to me for some reason
and well I shooed it away. I feel a lot better now.
And to be frank I am getting back to who I think I should be
and thats not giving a flying hoot about what people think unless
I am directly harming them. Let your perspectives on me change
I don't care, I'll love you the same. If some of my actions don't please you
well I can't please everybody.

Update on the OMA: she is getting better, she's saying phrases now and then which is a lot better and her colours back :)

Update on Dave: He is still the grisled old fish dude he ever was.
Update on John: Little shit as always
Update on Rob: Big shit as always
Update on Mom: Doing a lot better I am so happy and proud of her. She is getting normal again guys. you don't know how awesome this is. It's been like 1-2 months since she's done something psychotic.
Update on Fatkid: still fat still awesome.

Anywho I think i'm gonna do the thing alleah about people it looked fun:

1. You, as indessiscive and irrational as you can be, will always be
my fish brother.

2. You have the possibility of me considering you like family if only you stopped judging me

3. You can be a little foward but I see our friend ship blosoming into something special

4. You are like my secret friend. despite me not really ever talking about you I enjoy talking to you SO much.

5. you can be quite the jackass. but you know I love you to death for it as well as being an amazing friend.

6. I never thought I could dislike someone as strongly as I to you. But You won't let go of the past and to be frank it doesnt hurt me it just makes you look worse and worse.

7. You are my sibling that should of been. I would do almost anything for you.

8. Wow pretty much met you. did some crazy things. and now consider you quite cool. I have no reason not to...

9. I am uncomfortable around you but i guess I'm just as much to blame for that. i do think however you are really darn cool to talk to.

10. your like a hotter younger version of what I wanted to be. bastard. haha

and I'll finish off with a poem for all of you.

Your like a core
strong together and so much more
I am like your flesh
I cling to your structure for support
only as a last resort
because though I hold my own
it's only most of the time
that's why some days your shoulder is a second home
of mine
And this is the clearest sign
that no matter happens
if things get worse or get better
You'll be in my heart forever

<>< Mantrain


  • At 8:31 PM, Blogger Courteney said…

    :) thats a good made me else is new? most things you send me make me smile.

  • At 2:38 PM, Blogger ChaoticEggplantQueen said…

    **GASP** Am I 9? ;D 9? am I 9?...

    Am I even in there? do you even know who this is?

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