Insanely groovy

This Blog*shiver* is not insanely groovy In fact it barely scims mediocre but your going to read it anyway, Oh yes your going to read it. Know why? I don't. I just think it took you a while to find it so you might as well check it out right?... Right? Left.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Just rifting here gimme a hand :)...

Curiosity is going to be the death of me.
The statement.
I'm the same way.


North wind crisp and cool.
South wind breath of the fool.
East wind murderous scenes.
West wind kings and queens.


Sights Sounds Smells
and church bells ringing
Cultural fever bringing
a frenzy of flesh
a moral test.


That's all i got right now.

<>< Ricky.

Monday, March 27, 2006

These arn't new but I should update.

First all I will give you a tidbit of my poetry...If you wanna see more ask... I have a SHIT load.

It's my newest and I really pride myself in it.

He came in a daze
Fire coursed through his veins
A mistake tide to his tongue
He allowed truth to stumble
Into the aggressors ears
And was berated with sound.
Then he left, he just left.
Only a note in his absence
It stated he was weighed by
The sorrow of his decisions
And in an attempt to make amends
He searched for 10 feet
Of twined mortality.

The night was dark, cold.
The air was crisp, damp.
I had lost part of my holy trinity
I waited by the couch side
Fists clenched tight
Eyes peeled back
No sight of my blood
just a distracting tower of light.
I broke down and caved in
To my bodily desires
I fell fast.

Only a few hours later
I pulled the wounded beast from
It’s place of rest.
It was covered in clods
Of brown and green debris
And nearly reared as we Tamed it.
Only the night before
He was riding it,
A gallant white stallion
Doomed to disfigurement

Connection after connection We tried
And we received either dial tone
Or worse
Our minds created horrid images
That clouded the truth
And brought us tender agony

The battle was lost
And we were rounding up
Our souls for a retreat
And the beautiful sun
Rose again
And charms gathered at our feet.
Rivers flowed from our vision
Rivers filled with life.
The auditory couldn’t of been more
And as we found the last piece to our puzzle
We glued ourselves to him
And felt the purest of joys.


Yeah that bitch was pre'ee long.
And some other things I would like to update.
Rants because If I am ever to write anything personally heart wrenching on here
I would slap myself...not like rants aren't usually caused by something frustrating or personal *cough* *cough*

Honestly what bothers me the most is when teenagers/people whine about how hard life is and all their problems specially when you do it on an internet profile. If your looking for sympathy don't look here. Everybody has fucking problems. You just DEAL with them you don't post them on your fucking nex/myspace/msn name and expect people to feel pain for you. Get the fuck over yourselfs You self centered sons-of-bitches. If you honestly need to tell someone your fucking problems go to a councellar or a good friend DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT post it in your fucking blog.

ANNND Another thing that was really bothering me in rant format.

Lost on me is the fact teenagers are such children. How they act and literally. Were still young... WERE STILL YOUNG! right so... why is everyone so obsessed with acting older? It's strange....wait, even more confusing is to as why do these people also not want to get older and face life after high school?My advice: Live for the moment, for that moment won't ever come again. At the moment living sucks? Plenty more moments in your life that are going to be better. Think life's going to be horrible when you get out of highschool? Defiantly not, Different not horrible...just different. AND FOR PETE'S SAKE! Don't get caught up in a moment! they come and go and if your stuck on that one you'll get left behind.That's my philosophy 101 for today...

Both of those are old but I thought i would spread them about...
I would just like to close by saying that you shouldn't feel the need to spill your guts on your web log when you have friends that care for and love you.

And trust me I love most*** you guys...

<>< Ricky

*** I say most Cuz I have no clue who reads this...if I know you I likely care a whole lot for you.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

well dang,
A point was brought up today
that shook my future
not in a bad way
Just note I think i'm gonna explore a few different

<>< Ricky.

Ps I have given up on most of the human race.

Saturday, March 11, 2006


I love life.
honestly, I love it...
not Like I am encedibly enjoying it(though I am)
but love the concept of it.

It's a good thing people, life, You should learn to love it too if you don't already...

<>< Ricky.